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Laura Thurston Gutman is a retired pediatrician now living in Durham North Carolina. She lived her childhood as an Army Brat from birth and saw the onset of World War II. Her family remained at the core of the US Army through the Vietnam era and was often stationed in postings that included events of deep historical consequence.

She is happily married, also to a physician, and has two daughters with whom she is on close terms. Both daughters emerged into adulthood having escaped the calamities that now so common waylay the young. She looks back at her early life as an Army Brat with intense gratitude.


  • Daniel P. Bolger, Lieutenant General, US Army, Ret. Author of The Panzer Killers. “Army Brat” takes us on her fascinating journey of “growing up Army.” If you want to know what it really means to serve America at home and abroad, both in and out of uniform, this is the inside scoop from a woman who knows the deal. When you read Army Brat, you will too.”

  • Nathan N, Prefer, Military Historian and author of Leyte 1944, Patton’s Ghost Corps, many other prominent publications. “Dr. Gutman’s insightful and compelling story brings a long overdue perspective to the history of the American military. It is an important addition to the military history of our nation.”

  • Captain Joseph R John, USN(Ret)/Former FBI. Co-Founder and Chairman of Combat Veterans For Congress PAC, and Designated Reagan Associate by the Reagan Presidential Library. “The reader will appreciate Laura’s emotional and engaging experience as a child, while being ever aware of the intense danger that she and her family faced.”

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